
The Road To (Outer) Nowhere (Space)

Chapter 19: As It Comes

As soon as Jack reached Sorel Tracy, the phone rang:
- Meet me at the main church.
- How the fuck do you know I'm here?
- Just get a move on, we are late.
When Jack approached the church he saw MeXico leaning on to the side of a car while calmly smoking a cigarette. He pulled up in front of him.
- MeXico, you look beaten down my friend.
- You look like shit, man...
They shook hands as the bells rang...
- Did you get rid of the Grand? I can't fucking believe it!
- The Grand served it's purpose. It's needed elsewhere! I have this...
- BMW 2002, I know, it's a classical!
- It was my fathers. Listen, we gotta go, follow me.
They got in the cars and drove to the Le St James hotel in Montreal.
Jack parked the Camaro, and got into the BMW. As MeXico pulled off he asked:
- How have thing been going? Did you get the money?
- Well, yeah, it was a fucking trip from Hawaii to Alma.
- Yeah, I know?
- You know? How the fuck do you know?
- The phone you've got has a tracking beacon.
- So, you've been tracing me?
- Yep, didn't want to lose track of you!
- How about you, what happened when you left me alone in the fucking desert with that hypochondriac of Miranda?
- He's quite a figure hey?
- You didn't answer my question. But I'm guessing you wont answer it again!
- In time my friend, you'll get to know everything.
- Time, I've got plenty of that. I've got no fucking idea on how to get back!
MeXico lit another cigarette and grinned:
- I have some information that will help you. But right now I need something from you; if you're willing to make some more money. Big money.
- What do you mean you've got information? Who the fuck are you?
- Listen, I've been helping you out until now and asked nothing in return. I don't give a rat's ass if you trust me or not. I am asking for a favor. If you want to help me, you help me, otherwise I will tell you now and you can get the fuck out of my business.
MeXico pulled over. Parked the car and got out, leaving Jack speechless. They both walked into a luxury restaurant. MeXico spoke in french to the waiter, as he pointed to a empty table, away from the rest of the clients.
They did not say a word during dinner. MeXico seemed quite agitated, always answering phones, and speaking in french.
Finally, the waiter brought two whiskeys. They drank, as MeXico started:
- Before you went up there, you had flying lessons, right?
- MeXico, I manned a fucking shuttle. Of course I can fly any fucking plane, be it military or civilian.
- So that includes a Gulfstream 550?
Jack laughed quite loud.
- By the way you asked I though you were gonna ask me if I could fly a Antonov. Yeah, I can fly that baby with my eyes closed.
- Good. Said MeXico while sipping his exquisite Crown Royal Special Reserve whiskey.
- Where are we going to fly it too?
- Congo!
- Oh boy... Said Jack rolling his eyes.
- What?
- Last time a landed a plane in Africa. Jack didn't finish the sentence, he fell over.
- Jack!
MeXico got up and slapped Jack. No reaction. He got, the whiskey and poured a bit over his face. No reaction.
- Fuck, this has got to work.
He dipped his finger into the whiskey and opened one of Jack's eyelid, dropping a trickle into his eye. Jack got up and shouted:
- The fuck you doing?
- You passed out on me man... What's wrong with you?
- I, I don't know, been having these weird black outs of my past. But this time nothing. Just black.
- That's normal. It's because you have been blank for many years up there, and now you are seeing, feeling, touching hundreds of things. It messes up your unconscious.
- Nice, Mr. Freud, help me up.
Jack turned around and everyone was paralised looking at them. he shouted something in french that made everyone get back to their own business.
They payed and left. Jack started driving the BMW back to the hotel.
When the traffic light turned red, MeXico stopped the car on the double lane avenue.
- These streets are empty. Said Jack. Suddenly a red car stopped next to them and revved the engine quite loudly. They both looked and saw two guy in their thirty's in the front seats and three girls in the back laughing...
- What kind of car is that daddy? Said the driver, pointing forwards?
- Anytime kid... That piece of shit plastic hunk of shit won't match this fine classic.
- This is a Honda my friend, a Type R! Do you know what a type R is? Oh, you don't, you're stuck in the nineteen fifties...
- Oh, I though it was a type M. Moron.
- I'll be waiting at the next traffic light. It'll only be about 2 miles of a shame for you old man.

The light became green, they skidded and pulled off. Jack sat back and laughed. Before he knew it, the red type R was going past them. While they where being overtaken, one of the kids put his ass out the window, while the other one pulled a dick with his fingers. MeXico was struggling to maintain the wheel straight. They lost by many seconds. When they got to the next traffic light, the kids where laughing at them. MeXico was going to get out of the car when Jack held his arm.
- I'll take care of this.
He got out of the car, slammed the door. And approached the kids. Lit a Camel, took a drag and started:
- So, playing with your daddy's car?
- Ow, look, the old mans girlfriend is a bad-ass. Jack laughed.
- So, picking on old men to make your whores feisty, eh?
- Hey watch your, fucking mouth.
- You my friend, judging by your eyes, are as dopes as a fucking freight train.
Jack reached for his pocket. Pulled out a bunch of dollars, and hit them on the bonnet.
- How about, double or nothing?
- Anytime!
- Not with this car. Let's say it's another classic.
- You're a fucking loser. Bring it on.
The kid gathered all the money hid friends and himself had and placed it on top of Jack's money. One of the girls stayed with all the money.
- I'll be right back. If you try and run away with my money son, I will find you.
Jack walked back to the BMW.
- Let's get to the hotel. I need the Camaro.
- You are worse than them.
MeXico pulled off. Minutes after a loud noise filled the avenue. Jack parked right next to the kid.
- You wanna win with that piece of shit! Today is my lucky day!
Everyone, but Jack and the kid stayed at the finish line.
As the cars got to the start line, the kid opened his window:
- Don't break the transmission "gramps"
The light turned green. The kid got the head start, but slowly Jack leveled up with him, and took the car to it's maximum speed. The type R was beaten, but Jack still pushed the car further and further. The rev's were at 8000 rpm's when Jack crossed the finish line, the kid was right behind him. Jack was carried away laughing when a big explosion came from the engine. A flame came out of the exhaust pipe, and smoke gathered around the car, just before it stopped. In the middle of the smoke, Jack got out and walked to the finish line.
- I wrecked my car, it was an old car, but a trustworthy one. How about you, still vowing for that r/c junk you call a car?
- I... I...
- Dumbass. - Jack reached for the money, the kind was getting a worried look on his face.
- I knew it was your daddy's car.
Jack threw the money at the kid's face.
- Grow up you little twat.
Jack and MeXico walked to the Camaro, retrieved everything that was inside, leaving the five kids, gathering all the money from the floor.
The BMW engine started and they were off.
When they were out of sight they laughed out loud.
- Did you see the kid's face when I picked up the money?
- Priceless... How about the car? Gonna leave it there?
- It's served it's purpose. And I guess it wouldn't fit in the plane. Speaking of witch, when do we leave?
- Tomorrow!

1 comentário:


"Specialize in havin' fun." (Doors) I'm definitely having fun.