The plane touched ground making the wheels send out a loud screech, all the passengers burst into a loud clap of hands as Jack downed the last sip of whiskey. Before leaving the airport he rented the best 4x4 available, a Toyota Rav 4. As soon as he got into the car he was let down, it was a mess.
- What a fucking useless 4x4!
Having no other alternative he drove it to the nearest supermarket to buy some food and beverages for the trip to Mokuleia. It was going to be a long travel across the island. As soon as he left Honlulu, he turned into the dust roads up the mountains instead of the tarmacked ones. He wanted to drive through the same roads he once had taken with John. Some hours into the lonely trip, he took some notice at the landscape, green was the main color. So he raised the volume of the cd player, lit a cigarette and just stared at Nature.
" - Welcome to the C.I.A.
A bald suit was talking to them, while walking through the building. The year was 1994. Jack looked around and saw some known faces as well as many people he didn't know. All of them dressed in black suits. They were being toured through the C.I.A. headquarters. It was a huge building, with computers all around and quite a number of cameras controlling every square inch. He was bored, tired and quite angry for being treated like a visitor. His objective was set and the anxiety of reaching his goal had created a knot in his stomach. Right next to Jack, was a young man, about the same age as him. Before Jack could look away he started:
- Hi, I'm John, John Meadows.
- Mason, Jack Mason.
- Aren't you exited to be here? I mean, we are going to be C.I.A. agents, how cool is that.
- I could guess you must be on computer technologies. And, no I'm not that exited. This agency helps this county become more and more corrupt.
- I think we are going to get on quite well.
- I doubt that!"
The car was idling, stopped in the middle of the dusty road, the sun had set, so he tried to get some sleep. Before closing his eyes, he ate some food and a few cans of beer. Plugged the earphones and dozed off.
Not knowing what to do when he got there, he thought about just going to the same bar and look around. As soon as he stepped in, he halted. On the wall, there was a photo of him, taken on the day he was admitted in to the C.I.A. Jack looked across the bar and saw the bartender, who was now grinning.
- Mr. Mason?
- Well, yes, that would be me.
- I have been waiting for you. I got the phone call and have been waiting.
- What fucking phone call? What are you talking about?
- The letter.
- What letter!?
- From Mr. John.
- Oh boy, here we go.
He walked across the empty bar, sat down by the counter. The bartender brought him a sealed envelope, and before Jack could open it, he said:
- Wait, Mr. John said I must serve you this bottle, before you read it.
- Ok then.
The bartender placed a bottle of Glenfiddich 50 years on the counter.
- Holy, that is some fine drink.
Finally he opened the envelope, immediately he recognized the handwriting, it was John's:
"Jacky old sucker,
I know this sound like a fucking cliché but, if you are reading this, I'm swimming with the fishes by now. They fucking got to me. It was just a matter of time. So, let's start at the beginning.
Some years after you left, the agency, blackmailed by the government started shutting down many projects. If you ask me, it's fucking stupid, I mean, why stop projects that are half way there and start funding other ones that have to do to the military? The world needs progress, not war. Anyways, rumors had it that, your project would be terminated soon, and that you would have to come back. So, I started snooping around the main server and found out the specific date it was going to be terminated, and knowing you, they would be fucked. So after our conversation when you were in the mission, I thought for quite a while what would be the outcome. It wasn't looking very nice for me because I then found out that we were tapped during that chat. An informant some days after, told me that because of our little talk I was going to be banished, and I mean, we both know what banished means. So I planned every single detail. Your money stopped coming in as soon as they knew what was going on, but, because I like your pretty ass so much I offered some of mine so you could be well of, seen as though I don't really need it right now. I spoke to my lawyers and at my death they would take all the money and split it. My grave would be the hint for you to be reading this right now. The music was Julia's idea. I knew that all the fucking agencies would be looking out for clues about our plan and for you eventually, but because no one was with us on that sunny, rainy day, I hope it worked. So, my friend, I regret having to make you travel some more, not knowing where you landed, but, your money is in Canada. Yes, it was the only way. The bartender, Kopite, will give you a small device that will provide the location of the money. It will only work with your finger prints, and recognize your voice, so as soon as you cross the border, say our name out loud while holding it. Yeah, I know what you are thinking, this fucker and he's little gadgets. Well, better safe than sorry. Last piece of advice: He's a fucking geek, so take it easy. Yeah, I know, you don't know what the fuck in talking writing about, but you will. Take care my friend, I fucking missed you for all those years... No one to go out sailing or driving in the mountains with. I repent myself of encouraging you to go. Well, take care!
John Meaddows
P.S. - No, this letter will not self destruct itself. I mean, I started with a cliché, couldn't end with one! Miss you mate!"
Jack stared at the letter for many minutes. He had a sip of the fine whiskey, lit, yet another cigarette and mumbled to himself.
- Ahh John, writing wasn't always your best quality, you wrote like you spoke. So much shit for some money, you gave you life away man. I owe you one.
He put the letter in his pocket, Kopite gave him the small device, to which we replied with a 100 dollar bill.
- This is for everything.
- Thank you Mr. Mason.
Jack took the bottle and walked out of the bar. Once again, it was a sunny morning, he opened his arms and stared at the sky, just waiting for the past to repeat itself... Not a drop of rain fell, but a phone rang in his pocket:
- The fuck?
He took the phone out of his pants, looked at the display, but it was blank. He took it to his ear:
- Hello?
- Hi there dumbass!
- MeXico?
- Yeah, who where you expecting? Queen Elisabeth II? God?
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