
Two Songs


here are two songs that really depress a person, but nevertheless great songs. If anyone can read the first one I would like a comment.

1-It's called Glóssóli, or Glowing Soul, performed by Sigur Ros in the album Takk.


Nú vaknar þú
Allt virðist vera breytt

Eg gægist út
En er svo ekki neitt

Ur-skóna finn svo
A náttfötum hún
I draumi fann svo

Eg hékk á koðnun?

Með sólinni er hún
Og er hún, inni hér

En hvar ert þú....

Legg upp í göngu
Og tölti götuna
Sé ekk(ert) út
Og nota stjörnurnar
Sit(ur) endalaust hún
Og klifrar svo út.

Glósóli-leg hún
Komdu út

Mig vaknar draum-haf
Mitt hjartað, slá
Ufið hár.

Sturlun við fjar-óð
Sem skyldu-skrá.

Og hér ert þú...

Fannst mér.....

Og hér ert þú

Og hér ert þú

Og hér ert þú

Og hér ert þú

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doc1eqstMQQ

2-What Else Is There from Royksopp with Karin Dreijer Andersson for the album The Understanding

It was me on that road
But you couldn't see me
Too many lights out, but nowhere near here

It was me on that road
Still you couldn't see me
And then flashlights and explosions

Roads end getting nearer
We cover distance but not together

I am the storm I am the wonder
And the flashlights nightmares
And sudden explosions

I don't know what more to ask for
I was given just one wish

It's about you and the sun
A morning run
The story of my maker
What I have and what I ache for

I've got a golden ear
I cut and I spear
And what else is there

Roads and getting nearer
We cover distance still not together

If I am the storm if I am the wonder
Will I have a flashlights nightmares
And sudden explosions

There's no room where I can go and
You've got secrets too

I don't know what more to ask for
I was given just one wish

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOt15JsLloU

Thats all for today.

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